Answered By: Linda Miles
Last Updated: Oct 26, 2022     Views: 186

Q: I found an online article or book I want to use, but how do I actually read it?

A: First, check to see if it has a location and barcode listed.

If it says “Available at Hostos Library Stacks," it is a physical book on the shelf in the library. It should also have a weird number after that, like “RJ506.D4 M32 1982.” This is the book’s “call number," that will help you find the book on the shelf in the Library.

If it says “Available Online,” it is an online "electronic resource," probably an article from a journal or an e-book. Click on “Available Online,” then scroll down to where it says “View Online - Try a link below!” You can click on any of the links listed to get to the article or e-book.

diagram showing links in the onesearch interface

When you click on one of those links you leave the OneSearch system. You may be asked to login using your CUNY Login (firstname.lastname##).

After login, it takes you to the webpage of that article or e-book.

These webpages all look different, because they come from different companies. You will need to look around on that page to figure out how to find the full-text version of the article.

  • Scroll down to see if the article text is right there on the page.
  • Look for a button or link that says, "Full Text," "PDF Full Text," "PDF," etc.

If anything goes wrong and you're still struggling, please get in touch with a librarian.

Stop by the lower level of the library (hours here).

Our Library Chat LIVE! service (hours here). You can start a chat here.

If it is after hours, send an email to with some of the details so that we can follow up.

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